All things Massage & Movement

Anything that I’ve found interesting or useful all about massage, the science of touch and movement (exercise). Click the image to find out more.

Using Indian Head Massage to aid recovery

Providing Indian head message to inpatients in an acute mental health unit had physical and psychological effects, and also improved the atmosphere on the ward.  Read the report from The Nursing Times.

Massage, guided imagery and anxiety reduction

A pilot study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice indicated that massage, with or without guided imagery, helps to reduce self-reported anxiety prior to cardiac catheterisation. (First published in International Therapist, Issue 112, Spring 2015. Copyright FHT 2015.)

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Massage & Neck Pain

A study in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice indicates that massage may help to reduce neck arthritis pain and increase range of motion. (First published in International Therapist, Issue 112, Spring 2015. Copyright FHT 2015.)

How to Stay Pain Free with The Foot Collective

Have you ever thought about how important our feet are and how they’re connected to so many other parts of our bodies? This podcast is with Nick and Mike from ‘The Foot Collective’, a group of Canadian physical therapists on a mission to help humans reclaim strong, functional and pain-free feet through foot health education.


The Foot Collective YouTube Channel

A movement to reclaim the human foot through foot health and maintenance education. If you’ve got pain in your knee, hip or back, The Foot Collective may be able to help you out! They also have some online payable courses here.

Zach Bush 4 Minute Workout

The Four Minute Workout is a new concept of exercise that revolves around the body’s ability to use Nitric Oxide for muscle growth. This is an efficient anaerobic workout that can be done multiple times per day. The more frequently you do it, the better your results.

Ankle Mobility Exercises

A yoga program to improve ankle mobility, as well as ankle stability and flexibility.

Future additions

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Future additions

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Future additions

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